- B.S. in GitHub, GitHub University, 2012
- M.S. in Jekyll, GitHub University, 2014
- Ph.D in Version Control Theory, GitHub University, 2018 (expected)
Work experience
- Summer 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Tagging issues
- Supervisor: Professor Git
- Fall 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Merging pull requests
- Supervisor: Professor Hub
- Skill 1
- Skill 2
- Sub-skill 2.1
- Sub-skill 2.2
- Sub-skill 2.3
- Skill 3
Matter Chern-Simons theories in a background magnetic field
Stanford University at High Energy Theory Seminar, California, USA
Matter Chern-Simons theories in a background magnetic field
California Institute of Technology at High Energy Theory Seminar, California, USA
Matter Chern-Simons theories in a background magnetic field
Cornell University at High Energy Theory Seminar, New York, USA
Triality in string theory on AdS_3
California Institute of Technology at High Energy Theory Meeting, California, USA
Counting stringy microstates of blackholes and beyond
Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Center for Theoretical Physics, Cambridge, USA
Winding condensates in string theory on AdS
University of Cambridge at Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge, UK
Blackhole, blackring transition
Kings College London at Triangle seminar, London, UK
Stretched horizon, replica trick, and off-shell winding condensate, and all that
California Institute of Technology at High Energy Theory Seminar, California, USA
Stretched horizon, replica trick, and off-shell winding condensate, and all that
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Physics Seminar, Stony Brook, USA
Stretched horizon, replica trick, and off-shell winding condensate, and all that
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences at High Energy Theory Seminar, Bangalore, India
Closed string origin of thermal entropy
Lomonosov Moscow State University at ITMP Seminar, Moscow, Russia
Worldsheet replica trick
University of California, Berkeley at BCTP Seminar, California, USA
Service and leadership
- Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams